Monday, April 9, 2012

EXCLUSIVE: $7.94-million OMAFRA funding to stimulate Bluewater’s economy

HEATHER BOA Bullet News BLUEWATER – The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs is granting nearly $7.5 million in funding to the Municipality of Bluewater for a shopping list of projects that are meant to stimulate its economy.
The one-time economic development funding will be matched by about $2.8 million from the municipality.
Projects include: road upgrades and storm water management study, a contract economic development officer, Stanley landfill above-grade expansion, Hensall sewage lagoon upgrades, Bayfield public library and public washrooms, and Zurich public library project.
“The government is pleased to make this important investment in the Municipality of Bluewater. This is great news for the community” said Mark Cripps, who is press secretary to Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Ted McMeekin.
Bill Dowson, who is the mayor of Bluewater, said there was a range of options for investment, but they settled on projects to improve infrastructure.
“The choice was made to spend it to stop taxes from going up. Everything we’re going to do had to be done someday and it was going to affect the budget and the taxes,” he said.

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